Health Coffee

Rp 125.000
Health Coffee


HPAI Health Coffee plus Habbatussauda diracik secara khusus dengan berbagai manfaat sehingga tetap terjaga kesehatan dan vitalitas tubuh untuk aktifitas maksimal sehari-hari.

HPAI Health Coffee plus Habbatussauda terbuat dari biji kopi alami yang dipadu dengan herbal pilihan : Biji Habbatussauda, Madu, Propolis, Susu Kambing, Pasak Bumi, Cokelat.

Biji Habbatussauda : membantu mengatur metabolisme tubuh, membawa racun ke permukaan kulit untuk dieliminasi, bersifat aprodisiak, adaptogen (meningkat kan kekebalan tubuh),menyeimbangkan tingkat insulin, mengatur kolesterol, anti-tumor, anti-kanker, anti bakteri, anti virus, anti jamur, anti inflamasi.

Madu Asli : Bermanfaat untuk berbagai penyakit dan keluhan, penambah stamina tubuh, sumber vitamin dan mineral yang lengkap, sumber energi instan tanpa meningkatkan gula darah, sebagai antibiotik alami.

Propolis: membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, meningkatkan stamina energi booster) tonikum tubuh, serta mencegah berbagai macam penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus, bakteri dan jamur (atau sebagai antibiotik alami).

Susu Kambing : Mempunyai sifat antiseptik alami, menekan pembiakan bakteri dalam tubuh, bersifat basa (Alkaline Food) sehingga aman bagi tubuh, proteinnya lembut dan efek laktasenya ringan,tekstur lemak lembut, halus, vitamin B-1 lebih tinggi dibanding susu sapi.

Pasak Bumi : daya tahan tubuh/stamina/vitalitas, meningkatkan hormon testosteron, lebih baik di bandingkan ginseng, mengatasi masalah impotensi, mengatasi masalah kemandulan.

Coklat : meningkatkan kemampuan untuk mengatasi tingkat stress, awet muda atau memperlambat proses penuaan dini.




HPAI HEALTH COFFEE plus Habbatussauda is specially blended coffee with a variety of benefits to maintain the body health and fitness. It's from natural coffee beans combined with various herbs such as Habbatussauda, honey, propolis, goat milk, long jack plant, and cocoa.

Helps to control the body metabolism, bring out toxins to the skin surface to be removed, balancing insulin levels, control cholesterol, and act as anti-tumor, anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory. It's also aphrodisiac and adaptogen which is effective in improving the immune system.

Natural Honey
Effective for many diseases and disorders, stamina booster, a complete vitamin and mineral resource, an immediate energy source without increasing blood sugar, and acts as a natural antibiotic.

Helps to increase immune and stamina, as an energy booster, and prevent various diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi as a natural antibiotic.

Goat Milk
The goat milk has natural antiseptic substances which help to inhibit the growth of bacteria in the body and safe for the body as it is included as an alkaline (Alkaline Food). It also has a soft and light lactose protein inside, soft fat texture, and higher vitamin B-1 than cow's milk.

Long Jack Plant
It is good for immune / stamina / fitness, increase testosterone, better than ginseng, help to treat impotence and infertility.

Improve the ability to relieve stress and help slowing the aging process thereby the face can be looks younger.

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